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Hosting an Au Pair in Germany


Requirements for Host Families in Germany :

  • The Host Family or the partner have German or EU Citizenship.

  • Able to provide an individual bedroom for the Au Pair​ and sufficient income to finance your Au Pair's stay.

  • ​The Host Family must treat the Au Pair like a member of the family .

  • At least one child in the family under the age of 18 years old.



Au Pair Permit
Au Pairs from Indonesia must apply and have valid Au Pair Permit to be an Au Pair in Germany. Here is step-by-step to obtain the Permit and necessary preparation :

  • The Au Pair and the Host Family must have signed Au Pair Contract for cultural exchange between au pair and Host Family.

  • The Host Family and Au Pair must not be related and not from the same Nationality. German must be the native tongue spoken in the Host Family's home.

  • At least one of the parents in the Host Family must have read the Government factsheet “Information for au pairs and host families”

  • The Host Family can only have one Au Pair at a time.

  • The Host Family shall cover the necessary travel expenses in connection with the Au Pair's return journey.

  • The Host Family shall take out insurance for the Au Pair (including accident insurance, Unfallversicherung) commensurate with the level of statutory German public health insurance (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung)


The rights and obligations of applicants who are granted an Au Pair Permit

  • The Au Pair cannot enter Germany and start being an Au Pair until she/he has received the permit. This applies even if the Au Pair only want to go on a holiday or get to know the Host Family before the Au Pair placement begins.

  • The Au Pair can be granted an Au Pair Permit for minimum 6 months and up to 12 months.


Duties and working hours
The Au Pair to carry out lights tasks such as housework, child care and caring for pets (dog, cat etc.). 
The working hours must normally not exceed six hours a day, and the maximum number of working hours per week is 30. The Au Pair is entitled to at least one and a half day off per week, and one day must be a Sunday.


German language course
The Au Pair must be given the opportunity to participate in German language classes and recreational activities, and her/his duties must not prevent her/him from practising her/his religion.
The Host Family shall pay for the Au Pair to attend a German language course in the amount of at least EU 70.


Board and lodging
The Au Pair must live with the Host Family for the whole of the contract period and have her/his own room in your home. The room must have a window, heatable, lockable and have a minimum size of 9 square meters. The Au Pair shall have free board and lodging in case of illness and during holiday period and receive the pocket money.


Pocket money
The Au Pair shall receive pocket money at least EUR 280 per month. She/he is also entitled to holiday pay in accordance with the Holidays Act. Host families can deduct the au pair pocket money when filing their taxes if they have paid their au pair via a bank transfer.


Free time & Holidays
The Au Pair are entitled to a total of 4 weeks paid annual holiday. Even if she/he has not been an Au Pair for the whole calendar year, she/he is entitled to full holidays if she/he started working for your family no later than on 30 September. If she/he start working after 30 September, she/he is entitled to six working days’ holiday. The same rules apply if she/he change host families, as long as she/he get a declaration from your family that she/he has not taken her/his holidays.


Health Insurance

In Germany, Au Pair must have insurance coverage for the following cases: illness, pregnancy, childbirth and accident. According to the Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), the host family is responsible for arranging this insurance coverage and for bearing the costs.

To be safely and fully insured, au pairs from all countries (EU and non-EU) need to have a comprehensive private au pair insurance for au pair stays in Germany. German host families are required to cover the costs for this insurance. 


Car driving and driving licence
Clarify with your Au Pair whether it will be necessary to drive and also if the Au Pair feels comfortable driving. Indonesian Au Pairs can apply for the International Driving License in Indonesia and it is valid for driving in most of the countries including Germany.
​In Indonesia, the driving lane is on the left side and it would be a great idea if your Au Pair get the chance to practice for couple of days in Germany before they drive in the main road. Also discuss with your Au Pair what will happen in the event of an accident? Who pays for the damage? It is recommended to put this agreement in writing.

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