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Au Pair Information

An affordable child care option
Hosting an Au Pair in your home is one of the most affordable forms of childcare available. By hosting an Au Pair, you will get support in childcare and household chores with a very affordable cost. In return, you will provide the Au Pair with free language course, board and lodging at your home, and pocket money. 
Flexible live-in child care
Au Pairs provide your children with personal care in the familiar environment of your home. Your Au Pair will arrange her weekly working hours to fit your own schedule. In addition to caring for your children, an Au Pair can also assist you with household responsibilities, such as preparing your children's meals and helping them to keep their rooms neat, as well as driving them to and from school, appointments, and activities.

English skill improvement
By hosting an English speaking Au Pair from other country, it lets children to get used to English language at home and to have more courage to speak English.

Why hosting an Au Pair?

What is expected from an Au Pair?


Cultural interaction
An Au Pair should be willing to share with the host family, especially the children, what life is like in his/her country. Even teaching the children a bit of the language is encouraged. Children typically respond well to this type of interaction, and it helps them to understand how the world is different in different places.

Childcare support
Child care is defined by the parents and may include diaper changing, bathing, dressing, and transportation to and from school, feeding, playing, and general interaction.

Household chores
Light housework. This means that the Au Pair keeps her/his personal space neat and tidy, does her/his own laundry, shares the duty of laundry with the host family (as reasonable), and shares with the host family the job of keeping the area used by the children neat and tidy, as well as her/his own space.

What are NOT an Au Pair task?
Au Pairs are NOT expected to do a heavy household chores and work more than the working hours limit according to the country Au Pair Scheme. Au Pair is NOT a Housemaid / Cleaning Lady. 

Why Bali Au Pair?

FREE Agency service - no hidden cost!
Bali Au Pair do not charge Host Family with any fee since we do require our Au Pairs to pay a small fee to us for our service and support before and during their arrival in the destination country. *Please note this does NOT apply for Families in The Netherlands.

Carefully screened Au Pairs
Our Au Pairs have personally been interviewed in English and passed our selection process including Personality test and Educational background screening. Besides, all of our Au Pairs are able to provide Medical Certificate and Police Certificate. All references are verified. We also only select those candidates whom we have complete confidence in.

Personalized matching
Through our personalized matching process, we will professionally match your family with an Au Pair. We evaluate your child care needs, lifestyle, and personality when selecting the best Au Pair for your family. With our unique one-to-one matching process, you can be assured you have the exclusive choice of an Au Pair. You will not be competing with other families for your desired candidate.


Find Out How To Find The Right Au Pair Safely And Easily!

Bali Au Pair V.S Other agencies

Prepared Au Pairs

With our personal experiences as Au Pairs in Sweden, Denmark, and The Netherlands, we have created important guide E-books for our Au Pairs. Au Pairs will be guided before their departure and receive copies of Au Pair Guide E-Book of Au Pair work etiquette, living with a Host Family rules, etc. They will also receive a basic language guidance E-book of commonly used phrases in an Au Pair's daily life. All these guidances help our Au Pairs to be more ready and prepared once they arrive in the destination country.

Documents Support

Bali Au Pair help Host Families and Au Pairs from A-Z, from consultation, matching process, to documents and visa submission.

  • We have three children. Do we pay extra to the Au Pair?
    No. What you pay to the Au Pair is not related to the number of children you have. However, you can always decide if you want to pay the Au Pair higher than the minimum pocket money.
  • How long will it be before our Au Pair arrives?
    The time it takes to find an Au Pair varies, depending on the specific needs of your family and the availability of an Au Pair with corresponding qualifications. If you require an Au Pair immediately, kindly let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your family!
  • Will our Au Pair be able to care for an infant? Is there an additional fee?
    Yes, your Au Pair will be able to care for your infant child. There is no additional fee for caring for infants.
  • I am a single parent. Will I be able to have an Au Pair?
    Absolutely! It might take a little longer to find the right Au Pair for your family, but many single-parent homes have enjoyed the benefits of having an Au Pair.
  • Is it possible for us to host a male Au Pair?
    Of course! The majority of Au Pair candidates are female, but there are also many qualified male Au Pairs available.
  • What happens if it just doesn't work out?
    It's a good idea to let some time pass before assuming there are irreconcilable differences, perhaps a month. The Au Pair may need a little time to settle in and the you may need a little time to get accustomed to the new family member. It is always good to be open to the Au Pair if there is something you are not comfortable with, eg. they way she/he works, their time management, etc. Mismatches are a rare occurrence. If difficulties continue, we will rematch you with a different Au Pair as soon as possible.
  • How about flight ticket, insurance, and language course?"
    Families in Sweden and The Netherlands are expected to pay for the Au Pair ticket at least one way from home or to home. However, for Danish and Norwegian Families, you are expected to pay the Au Pair's roundtrip flights according to the Danish and Norwegian Au Pair Scheme regulation. All families from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway need to provide the Au Pair an insurance and pay for the Au Pair's language course. Families in The Netherlands are only expected to provide insurance not required to pay for the language course.


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